Lisa Nakazono was born in Japan and started learning the piano at the age of four.
She is a prize winner in national and international piano competitions. In 2005, Lisa applied for the "master class" program (piano division), sponsored by the Tokyo International Association of Artists (TIAA), and qualified with the top score, winning a full scholarship to study at Moscow Conservatory.

In February 2008, Lisa won first prize in the first Elena Richter International Piano Competition held in Tokyo, named in honor of the piano professor at the Moscow Conservatory. That same year, while she was studying at Toho Gakuen School of Music, Lisa made her professional performance debut with the concert series which was organized and sponsored by Yamaha Corporation.
Around this time, as a senior in college, Lisa signed with the record label (Aniplex/Sony Music).

In March 2009, when she graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music, released her first CD entitled Chopin de Ghibli.
This recording features piano solo versions of songs and music from the animation of Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli, such as "Day of the River" from Spirited Away and the title track from Ponyo, arranged in the style of Polish composer Frédéric Chopin.
Lisa was selected to perform at the Yokosuka Arts Theatre in September 23, 2009 as part of the "Fresh Artists from Yokosuka" series.
Her performance was admired - "Lisa's performance is richly expressive and she is a young precious talent".

In January 2010, her second album "Chopin de Hoshi ni negai o"' was released. It features a Chopinesque rendition of the title track "When You Wish upon a Star" as well as other tunes from Disney studio's animated works, musicals and entertainment films.
Her concert tour "Fantastic Chopin 2010" that year commemorated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Chopin.
Also the anime series Occult Academy (Seikimatsu Okaruto Gakuin) had a run this year, for which she recorded as background music her performances of "La Campanella" and Beethoven's Piano Sonata no. 21, "Waldstein".

2011, Lisa gave another commemorative tour, this time paying homage to the bicentennial of the other great Hungarian composer, Franz Liszt. She also co-participated in "Bravo! Piano 2011" tour across Japan.

2012, she gave a tour commemorating the 150th birthday anniversary of Debussy, and took part in the Japanese music festival "7th Sendai Classic Festival 2012."
From 2010-11, she wrote a series of essays/travelogue that ran in four issues of the Gokujō no piano magazine, published by Yamaha Music Media Corporation.
In addition, she was in charge of recording the performance on the "Disclavier", a modern version of the classic player piano produced by Yamaha corporation.

2012 and 2013, Lisa performed at the Sendai classical festival in Japan.

2013, Lisa gave a piano recital in Warsaw, Poland, and also she was invited to perform at the Chopin festival in Masovia, where her recital was broadcast.

Also, in 2014, Lisa gave a piano recital in Vienna, Austria and Warsaw, Poland. In 2015, she was appointed cultural director of the Czech Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and she is committed to international cultural exchange.

In 2017, she performed at the Matsumoto piano festival in Nagano, Japan. Lisa also performed Beethoven's piano concerto "Emperor" with Ueda ensemble orchestra in Nagano, Japan. In August of the same year, she gave a concert in Prague, Czech Republic.

In 2018, Lisa gave a piano recital in Beijing, China and also served as a master class teacher. In September of the same year, she played with the Chinese saxophonist Shu Gang Yao in South Korea.

In 2019, she served as a judge for the Excellence Cup International Music Competition in Taiwan.

In 2024, she served as a judge for the Gold Star International Music Competition 2024 Japan Preliminary Round and althe Grand Finals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lisa studied with Mr. Masashi Kawasome, Mr. Koji Shimoda, Ms. Koo Ryeong Park, Mr. Makoto Ishihara (Solfeggio).









2014年にはポーランド・ワルシャワ、及びオーストリア・ウィーンでソロリサイタルを行い、2015年に在日チェコ商工会議所の文化担当官に任命され、国際文化交流に尽力する。 2017年、松本ピアノフェスティバルに出演。また、長野県にて上田アンサンブル・オーケストラとベートーヴェンのピアノ協奏曲"皇帝"を共演。 同年8月、チェコ・プラハにてソロリサイタルを行う。



2024年、ゴールドスター国際音楽コンクール日本予選審査員、並びにマレーシア本選(Grand Final)の審査員を務める。


钢琴家 中园理沙



2009年3月,她从桐朋学园大学音乐学部毕业,并发行了她的首张CD《Chopin de GHIBLI》。这张唱片的特色是,选曲为宫崎骏吉卜力工作室出品动画的音乐,比如《千与千寻》中的《河之日》和《金鱼公主》,并采用肖邦的风格编曲进行钢琴独奏。同年9月23日,她作为“来自横须贺的新人艺术家”系列的一员,在横须贺艺术剧院举办了个人音乐会并被评价为“富有表现力、引入注目的年轻才女”。

2010年1月,她发行了第二张专辑《Chopin de Hoshi ni neggai o》。这张专辑的特色是,她用肖邦的风格演奏了《当你向星星许愿》这首经典歌曲,以及一些来自迪士尼工作室的动画、音乐剧和电影的曲目。同年,为了纪念肖邦诞辰200周年,她举办了“梦幻肖邦2010”巡回音乐会。此外,她还为当年上映的动画片《神秘学院》(Seikimatsu Okaruto Gakuin)录制了自己演奏的《La Campanella》和贝多芬的钢琴奏鸣曲《华尔斯坦》作为背景音乐。

2011年,她为纪念伟大的匈牙利作曲家弗朗茨·李斯特(Franz Liszt)诞辰 200周年而进行了一次纪念之旅。同年,她还参与了“Bravo! 钢琴2011”日本巡演。 2012年,她为纪念德彪西诞辰150周年进行了巡回演出,并参加了日本音乐节“第七届仙台古典音乐节2012”。







2024年, 她担任了Gold Star International Music Competition日本预赛和马来西亚决赛的评委。

她的老师有川染雅嗣先生(Mr. Masashi Kawasome)、下田幸二先生(Mr. Koji Shimoda)、朴久玲女士(Ms. Koo Ryeong Park)和石原诚先生(Mr. Makoto Ishihara)(视唱练耳)。

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